Thursday, April 23, 2009

Panda + Bunny = Love

panda girls
Keiko comes to town tomorrow!!! Yay!!!

There's going to be pandas, bunnies, cupcakes, frozen yogurt, flea markets, headbands, fabric, magic, love, hugs, mango lemonade, $1 sales, presents, food, craft fair, friends, and so much more!!

I'm so excited. But we have a lot of work ahead of us. I need a thimble. My thumb got pricked by a needle and is not happy.

On another, unrelated note, I miss my old hair:


At least I'm starting to get my tan back. Find the positives.

-Kimberly Grace


Unknown said...

Those panda bear necklaces are awesome! I adore anything and everything panda-related.

On On said...

wow tooooooooo cute!!!

I love Panda... and just bought a Morn Creations Panda Bag here:

Nice to meet you.