Thursday, April 23, 2009

Panda + Bunny = Love

panda girls
Keiko comes to town tomorrow!!! Yay!!!

There's going to be pandas, bunnies, cupcakes, frozen yogurt, flea markets, headbands, fabric, magic, love, hugs, mango lemonade, $1 sales, presents, food, craft fair, friends, and so much more!!

I'm so excited. But we have a lot of work ahead of us. I need a thimble. My thumb got pricked by a needle and is not happy.

On another, unrelated note, I miss my old hair:


At least I'm starting to get my tan back. Find the positives.

-Kimberly Grace

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Boy

I've been in Los Angeles for almost 3 years now. In those 3 years, I've met a lot of guys, but none that I could actually really date or commit to. Don't get me wrong, I have amazing guy friends. Some of the best! But dating in big cities... eh. I never really got why my parents waited so long to get married and have kids but now I think I understand. They were in New York and it's just a different lifestyle in a big city.

I was fine with all of this until I met Alex at church. We were friends for a while but there was always this sort of pull. I can't explain it and at the time, probably didn't think much of it. But we gave up on ignoring it and everything has been wonderful since. I had my guard up for a while, but finally let it down because I realized in order to give this a fair chance, I'd have to.

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Those last two pictures are from when we went to Bamboozle Left earlier this month. We had a lot of fun and it was great seeing some of my friends from the East Coast. Alex especially had a good time because the line up was more his speed. I got to see A Skylit Drive (who I'd heard about from Alex) and some other bands that I hadn't seen in a while, like Taking Back Sunday. 

So whether its going to shows, church, bowling, reciting YouTube videos to each other Ouch Charlie!, or just hanging out at my apartment, we're having an amazing time. Who knows what will happen in the future. The rest of this year is going to be a challenge for sure with my plans to travel a little, but if it's meant to be, it will work out. For now, we make each other smile and that's all that matters. 

-Kimberly Grace

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Procrastination Proclamation

Alright, I get it. I haven't been very good at keeping up with this. Keiko has yelled at me on numerous occasions. I'm going to really try this time to update more. It's just pictures, flickr, time, summarizing, general putting off until tomorrow what I could do today. Ya know. But seriously, no more. So here's a brief summary of the last few weeks.

I worked the LA Weekly Theater Awards at the El Rey. I loved seeing all the themed outfits! This is me with my friend, Danielle. She works at LA Weekly with me but was also nominated for an award that night!

Tara and Bryce were in town while Bryce recorded his new album (The Rocket Summer). I loved having them here. Tara has officially joined our "bunny" group. This was at Ryan's (Tara's brother) dinner party (so is the picture above, but Ryan was MIA from my pictures). There were a ton of people, so by the time I showed up with my cupcakes, a lot of the other food was gone. But the decorate your own cupcake idea ended up being a success. 

My friend Chad just had his movie (Bart Got A Room) open in select theaters in NY, LA, and FL. I met up with him and the director at the Sunset 5 to watch it. I was so proud!!! The movie was really funny and it was so awesome to see Chad on the big screen. I was grinning and hugging him like a proud mama. I really hope the movie did well enough to open nationwide. It was so good and it would be so amazing for Chad. He's the title character, Bart.  Yay! 

Later that night, I went to meet up with Matt and Drew for Drew's going away party. They are two of the funniest guys I know. And as funny as they are apart, it's magical when they are put together. They feed off each other. It's wonderful. I got Drew to try on my bow later in the evening. I dare say he looked better in it then I did. 

I need to clean and work on hairbows for a little bit before bed. I have to wake up at 5:45am. Ahh!! I will update again soon. I swear I'm going to be better at this thing. There's a new boy that has been taking up some of my time but I'm learning to rebalance everything again. I'll talk about him more next time. 

Goodnight darlings.
-Kimberly Grace